Friday, April 30, 2010


13th April,2010

Just to let you know that I have been offline for few days. I met with a smallish accident where the motorbike I was riding skidded on loose gravel on the road near Tansen, Palpa and I fell on my knee making two holes there but luckily no fractures. However the exhaust pipe resting on my ankle area while I was unconscious for a few minutes caused some small but bad burns which will necessitate some grafting of skin. The positive part was that it happened just 30 km from a good hospital (the United Mission Hospital) in Tansen and near good friends like Henny and Jakob. And just after the accident a taxi passing by with some good people brought me to this hospital while Henny and Jakob gave me a warm reception to the small hill town of Tansen. All my previous plans to visit them had not materialized, this one accidentally did.